
other languages I am learning: 

French (フランス)
American Sign Language (しゅわ)
welsh (ウェルズご)

likely posts will occur in these as well (videos for asl) =P...If I can get my wireless to cooperate.

3 件のコメント:

GW さんのコメント...

でもにほんごは lo más mejor ですよ。

Sato さんのコメント...

Wow! You are learning ths many languages at the same time?! Amazing! What are fascinating aspects about each language?
You will soon be multi-lingual!!

がんばってください(Good luck/do your best)!

saith seren さんのコメント...


I have been learning ASL for many years now and I am close to fluent; there are many things about the language that I love, but it is by far the most expressive I have encountered. The cultural approach to communication is also extremely encouraging...and there is a lot of "feedback", something that Japanese appears to have in common. I like that very much ^^. French I took four years of in high school, and I can read and write fairly proficiently, although my listening/speaking needs some work...or more likely just lots of practice. Welsh is a very unique and somewhat challenging language, because words mutate based on the preposition that proceeds them, and the grammar is just unlike romance languages. I am very interested in Welsh mythology which is why I began studying the language myself. Without someone to practice with, though, I doubt it will get very far anytime soon. ありがとございますfor asking. =]