
This chapter seems to be going better so far, which is good. I'm also very impressed with the variety of sentences we can use now that we know other verbs and particles. Writing the さくぶん for this chapter surprised me, because I was able to write so much more than I though I could. It will be really interesting to see how the skits turn out, especially after learning so much more vocabulary and our discussion in class. I know this entry is a little late but this has been a long day (or rather yesterday has) and I was so exhausted I just fell asleep. But now it is a long weekend...yay fall break! I hope everyone has the chance to enjoy it.

2 件のコメント:

クイエン さんのコメント...

After I wrote the sakubun and looked back at it, I was like: "Wow! I wrote this much in Japanese?!!" It was a good feeling ¦D
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's skits too.
Have a fun break! じゃあ、また。

Aoi Tsuki さんのコメント...

Sounds like all the vocab and daily work is paying off. A little bit at a time, but suddenly wow so much Japanese! ^_^

Enjoy your break, but don't get too rusty on Japanese; watch some anime or Japanese drama shows... hehehe